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Partner Organizations

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Application Requirements

Biocommunity Kansai (BiocK) has the vision of “expanding bio-first thinking to create an international urban bio-community for the realization of a sustainablesociety.” It aims to “create the ultimate ecosystem in the field of biotechnology based in the Kansai region.” We are looking for institutions that will collaborate with Biocommunity Kansai in activities aimed at achieving this goal.If you are interested in cooperating with us, please initially contact us through the “Contact Us” site. You will be required to register after we confirm your understanding of BiocK’s business and the possibility of collaboration through interviews and other means.


Partner Organizations

Partner Organizations   108 organizations in total

We work in cooperation with 108 organizations.

Bio community certified by Cabinet Office   7 organizations

Greater Tokyo Biocommunity / Hokkaido Prime Bio Community / Tsuruoka Bio Community / Nagaoka Bioeconomy Consortium / Fukuoka Bio Community / Hiroshima Bio DX Community  / Okinawa BioCommunity

University/Graduate school   16 organizations

HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY / Osaka University Hospital Department of Medical Innovation / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University / KANSAI UNIVERSITY / NARA INSTITUTE of SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY / KINDAI University / THE RITSUMEIKAN TRUST / The Doshisha / Josho Gakuen Educational Foundation; OSAKA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY / UNIVERSITY OF FUKUI / University of Yamanashi / Kyoto Prefectural University / KYUSYU UNIVERSITY / Nagasaki University / Tottori University / Sakeology Center, Niigata University 

Research Institute   4 organizations

RIKEN Center for Computational Science / RIKEN BioResource Research Center / New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization / RIKEN SPring-8 Center

Municipality   1 organization

Kurume City

Private organization   38 organizations

Cloud Security Alliance Japan Chapter Inc. / Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth / OSAKA BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AGENCY / Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Senri Life Science Foundatioin / Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation at Kobe. / Public Foundation of Kansai Research Institute / Tsuruoka Science Park / Organization for Advanced Healthcare Innovation / EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation / Association of Bio-Healthcare Ventures from Academia / Kansai Innovation Initiative / Kurume Research Park Co., Ltd. / Kansai Health and Medical Association / Region-wide Industrial Promotion Bureau, Union of Kansai Governments / NPO Recycling System Center / Life Science Incubation Council (Willsame Inc.) / Kyoto Municipal Institute of Industrial Technology and Culture (Kyoto Research Park Corp.) / CiRA Foundation / PMK initiative / National Center for Industrial Property Information and Training (INPIT) / Toyama Pharmaceutical Valley Development Consortium / University Philanthropy / OSAKA CONVENTION & TOURISM BUREAU / Osaka Business and Investment Center / Japan Hydrogen Association / National Research Institute of Brewing / Osaka Science & Technology Center / Umekita Future INnovation Organization / Kyoto Research Park Corp. / The New Industry Research Organization (NIRO) / Organization for Engineering Biology / SAMURAI Biotech Association / GENERAL INCORPORATED ASSOCIATION PHR COUNCIL / Gunma Green Innovation Platform (G-GIP) / KYOTO MUNICIPAL INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE / Japan MA-T Industrial Association / PhotoLIFE (PhotoBIO-OIL) / Japan Association for Techno-innovation in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries

Overseas organization (North America/South America)   9 organizations

Consulate of Canada in Nagoya / Economic Development Partnership of North Carolina Japan Office / Délégation générale du Québec à Tokyo / Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development / Kansas Department of Commerce / Business Oregon / Consulate-General of the United States in Osaka-Kobe / Japan Society of Northern California / Government of British Columbia, Canada, Japan Office

Overseas organization (Europe)   20 organizations

British Consulate-General / Netherlands consulate-general in Osaka / Invest in Bavaria / IDA Ireland / Embassy of Sweden / Royal Danish Embassy in Japan / Embassy of Finland in Japan / Scottish Development International / Consulate of Switzerland in Osaka / Flanders Investment & Trade / Consulate-General of Germany in Osaka-Kobe / Consulate-General of France in Kyoto / ICEX Trade and Investment / Lyonbiopole / Bioindustry Park Silvano Fumero - bioPmed Piemonte Innovation Cluster / Life Science Nord Management GmbH / Oxford University Innovation, Representative in Japan / Business France Japan Office / Pistoia Alliance / Asociación Española de BioEmpresas

Overseas organization (Oceania)   11 organizations

Victorian Government Business Office Tokyo / University of Otago / New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) / Australian Embassy Tokyo / Techion Group Limited / NZ Product Accelerator / Maurice Wilkins Centre / High Value Nutrition NSC / Consortium for Medical Device Technologies (CMDT) / Auckland UniServices Limited / MedTech Actuator

Overseas organizations (Asia/Middle East)   2 organizations

Embassy of Israel in Japan Economic & Trade Mission / Royal Thai Consulate-General,Osaka