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Name Biocommunity Kansai(BiocK)
Establishment July 1st, 2021
Bureau NPO Kinki Bio-Industry Development Organization
3F, 4-8-4, Kawaramachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan 
Phone: +81-6-4963-2107

Urban Innovation Institute
7th Floor, Grandfront Osaka Tower-C,
3-1 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011, Japan
Phone: +81-6-6359-1322
Organization OrganizationPDFPDF
Terms TermsPDFPDF
BiocK Outline BiocK Outline PDF PDF

Purpose of Establishment


Spreading a bio-first approach to build a Global Biocommunity and realize a sustainable society.


Creating an ultimate ecosystem for the bio-fields in Kansai


Promotion of innovation/ Promoting the formation of networks/ Dissemination of information at domestically and internationally, etc.